About the Book

The Self Discovery Manual by Asandoh Louis Ngwa;

Asandoh Louis Ngwa
“We all face challenges. Some learn from and live while others die by. There is no offence in a free society which is why you can complain about them and see nothing changed or you can step out in your own way to alleviate these offences. Most of us what to help but don’t know how to, thus making us the first most vulnerable set in need of help. That is to say if we must help our world, we must know ourselves. Knowing oneself is the best way to extablishing oneself and if we can individually establish ourselves, we will collectively have an established world. Note worthy is the fact that there is no man outside God, thos to find ourselves, we must turn back to Him who created us. Our struggle to reach out to reach out to man therefore remains a puzle without God but this book is a pathway to discovering “”the you you never thought of”””
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