White NiPi Library.

Rent and rent out hard copy books to interested minds all over Ukraine.

Wanna rent out your books for others to read? Click here to learn more.

Together, we make things work!

Rent out your hard copy Books

You can rent out books you don’t use or have finished reading. Grow the collection of NiPi Library. Take part in this quest of making hard copy book more readily available for students here in Ukraine. 

Wonderful Books to Read.

At NiPi Library, we are on a quest to eradicate the challenge many students are faced with in getting hard copy books. Check out our collection down below and rent your favorite books and enjoy the read!

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Books available

Together, we can build the Library Collection! Give/Rent out your hard copy books that you’ve finished reading or that you would like to get rid of – here

Available Books in NiPi Library

Can't find the book you are looking for?

We can get it for you and inform you when we have it!

Kindly fill in the name of the book and your WhatsApp Contact or e-mail.

Connecting. Contributing. Complementing. 

Can't find the book you are looking for?

We can get it for you and inform you when we have it!

Kindly fill in the name of the book and your WhatsApp Contact or e-mail.

Connecting. Contributing. Complementing.