About the Book

Essentials of Medical Physiology,5th Edition

K Sembulingan
SECTION 1: GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY, * Cell Junctions, * Transport through Cell Membrane, * Homeostasis, SECTION 2:BLOOD AND BODY FLUIDS, * Body Fluids, * Blood, * Plasma Proteins, * Red Blood Cells, * Erythropoiesis, * Hemoglobin and Iron Metabolism, * Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, * Packed Cell Volume and Blood Indices, * Hemolysis and Fragility of Red Blood Cells, * White Blood Cells, * Immunity, * Platelets, * Coagulation of Blood, * Blood Transfusion, * Reticuloendothelial System and Tissue Macrophage, * Spleen, * Tissue Fluid and Edema, SECTION 3: MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGY, * Cl
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