Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions and their answers.

NeeditPinit is a community first and foremost, of minds dedicated to creating, connecting and sharing ideas, content and opinions on life, on business, on academics and everything in between. We are more than just  an online outfit, we are a network of interconnected people dedicated to making lives better.

The NeeditPinit site is made up of a number of interconnected parts, each working together like wheels of a gear system to achieve the goals of the community. The site is made up of a forum, a blog, and an entrepreneur’s corner.

The forum hosts discussions on multiple topics and subtopics of interest to the community. 

The entrepreneur’s corner hosts our very best and finest minds in business, who share their expertise as well goods and services. It also serves as a place of opportunity, connecting businesses and creating avenues for economic and financial growth.

Our ‘Blogs & Articles’ section hosts a variety of posts, some written in house and some written by guests with knowledge to share in their field. Each blog-post is crafted to provide as much value as possible, with a unique take and angle for every post and will cover topics as diverse as the very interests of the community.

Our community, the NiPi family, visits to stay informed. They visit to learn. They visit to create and to share from their vast reservoir of knowledge and to connect. This is the objective. On NeeditPinit, you can learn about business, hire a tutor, inquire on a nagging topic, advertise your business, share your content, and stay on top of breaking news. The possibilities are literally limitless.

NiPi provides value in a number of ways. We keep you up to date on news, we provide business insight, we aggregate content on a variety of topics of interest. Our entrepreneur’s corner promotes local businesses in a variety of ways (like featured posts, adverts, blogs etc). Our forums offer a safe place, a sanctuary for people to discuss ideas in an open and productive manner.

That’s the best thing about the platform. NiPi is a platform that welcomes everyone willing to learn and share. It’s for everyone that needs a place to interact with like minds  on a number of topics. Its a platform, where opposition views are listened to and respected and where balance and the middle ground takes priority.

Yes. NiPi, offers businesses the chance to promote themselves, to reach out to new audiences and take advantage of opportunities in new markets. This community does that in a variety of ways. We offer businesses the chance to have ads run on our pages. We encourage business owners to participate in forums and share its content, providing a central hub for customers to find them. We encourage business owners and administrators to write blogs that tell customers more about their businesses, what they offer and maybe teach our audience a thing or two about the business world. The key is engagement and we believe entrepreneurs who engage or want to engage their customer base would greatly enjoy all we have to offer. We understand that business owners have number of questions on the way this is run, the procedures and steps they will have to take to get full value of this arrangement. We suggest business owners, visit this page for more information.

Getting your business catalogue featured on NiPi is a cinch. We encourage all business owners to contact our site administrators using Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram or email. We will respond promptly with directions on the next steps in the process.

Yes. We want a community that allows students to thrive. We encourage students to be creative and take the initiative when it comes to the platform and how they interact with it. We also encourage students to invite friends and share content that maximizes their chances of creating an environment that’s convenient for their studies.

We’ve put together an in depth article looking at the various ways one can become a contributor on the platform. Please click here to read this article.

We take the privacy of the members of this community seriously. NiPi’s policy on collection, utilization, storage and distribution of data from members of our community is effectively summarised in this resource here.

We are glad you asked. We’ve put together a nifty resource that contains everything one needs to know about joining the forum, creating discussion topics and contributing to already existing topics. Please click here for quick access to this resource.

Yes. NiPi, can be accessed on any mobile device, tablet or computer with a connection to the internet. Our platform has been optimized to capture everything that reflects the greatness of our community. Our pages are mobile friendly, user friendly, and are designed to maximize the ease of use across all devices (mobile, tablet or laptops) and operating systems (android and mac).

Maybe your questions have not been answered yet or you need more clarity on any aspect of the business, feel free to hit us up by filling our contact us form, here.

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